The figure includes 800,000 with registration expiry and 1.7 million due for registration.

Currently, there are 241 registration centers across the country with a maximum capacity of about 550,000 vehicles per month.

(Photo for illustration)

According to the VR, it will take at least six months to check all the above-mentioned vehicles, excluding those that need to be re-checked if no more registration centers are allowed to resume their operations.

VR leaders said that congestion has been taking place at 184 registration centers in 43 provinces and cities, especially in Bac Kan and Hoa Binh provinces which have only one center but has been suspended. They attributed the overload to the fact that the number of vehicles due to registration is on the rise amid a shortage of inspectors.

The Ministry of Transport has asked the Ministry of National Defense for help to cope with excessive workloads at the registration centers to meet public demands.

Source: VNA