The event, themed “Fruits and Food: New trade opportunity for Vietnam and India,” gathered more than 100 importers, exporters, and business associations from the two countries.

Vietnam and India hold great potential in trade of fruits. (Photo for illustration)

Shubhra said India has been emerged as one of the world’s leading traders of fruits and agricultural products over recent years. India can supply Vietnam with a number of its key farm produce, such as pomegranate, grape, wheat, and cotton, while Vietnam produces high-quality dragon fruit, coffee, cocoa, and cashew nut, she said.

She went on to say both countries have major advantages in agriculture so there is still great room for them to further expand cooperation in this area.

Vietnam and India have many things to learn from and supplement each other to foster a win-win partnership, she noted, adding that India wants to become Vietnam’s leading trade partner.

Vietnamese Ambassador to India Pham Sanh Chau, for his part, introduced attendees to Vietnam’s signature agricultural products – coffee, cocoa, cashew nut, and coconut. He expected India to remove tariff and non-tariff barriers and streamline public administrative procedures to provide broader market access for Vietnamese exporters.

He also urged India to open market for a number of Vietnamese fruits, including longan, pomelo, durian, and rambutan among others.

This workshop is a good chance for connecting Vietnamese and Indian enterprises and business associations in fruits and food, he said, pledging that he will do his utmost to facilitate bilateral trade and promptly help firms from both countries solve problems.

The event formed part of the India – Vietnam Business Forum 2020 held by the Vietnamese Embassy in India to beef up bilateral trade which has been disrupted by COVID-19.

Source: VNA