He affirmed consistent assistance and the best possible conditions for Belgian firms to conduct fruitful and sustainable investment, production, and business activities in Vietnam.

Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien speaks at the Vietnam - Belgium business forum in Brussels on December 1.

Dien considered Belgian enterprises’ success as Vietnam’s, adding that the Southeast Asian nation also hopes Belgian authorities will create conditions for its businesses to consider investment and carry out projects in the European country.

The enhancement of economic and trade ties within the bilateral framework as well as the ASEAN - E.U. framework will generate enormous benefits for both countries, he said, adding Vietnam and Belgium hold much potential to continue expanding bilateral trade as their export and import structures do not directly compete with but are complementary to each other.

This is a favorable condition for the two countries’ enterprises to develop partnerships and diversify supply chains, especially for the sectors matching one country’s strength and the other’s demand, he went on.

In terms of investment, the minister noted that such comprehensive, practical, and effective cooperation mechanisms as the E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and the E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) will provide optimal conditions for investors from Belgium as well as the E.U. to expand their investment and business projects in Vietnam, particularly in the fields that the E.U. and Belgium are strong at and Vietnam has demand for like mechanical engineering, processing - manufacturing, new materials, electronics, chemicals, hi-tech industries, renewable energy, and logistics.

The advantages and opportunities in bilateral relations will create a crucial basis, further momentum, and confidence for both sides’ enterprises to scale up investment, production, and business activities in the future, Dien opined.

He added that the MoIT hopes Belgium will ratify the EVIPA soon, and Vietnam welcomes more Belgian firms coming to invest in the country.

Addressing the forum, Nguyen Van Thao, Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium and head of the Vietnamese delegation to the E.U., stressed that Vietnam’s relations with Belgium and the E.U. have been growing well as seen in recent mutual visits. There remains much room for Vietnam and Belgium to promote cooperation in multiple spheres, especially seaport, renewable energy, and environment.

As President of the Belgian - Vietnamese Alliance (BVA) and First Vice President of the Belgian Senate, Andries Gryffroy pledged utmost support for both sides’ enterprises to enter each other’s markets, and that the BVA will help Vietnamese firms export to Belgium and the E.U.

The BVA and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) signed a memorandum of understanding under which they will work together to bolster bilateral economic, trade, and investment ties, Gryffroy said.

Mariella Cantagalli, a senior expert at the Directorate-General for Trade at the European Commission, also highly valued the E.U. - Vietnam trade and investment partnerships, especially since the EVFTA officially came into force. She described the EVFTA as a driving force for Vietnam’s economic links with 27 E.U. members and European enterprises.

On the sidelines of the forum, Minister Dien received leaders of British oil and gas company Pharos Energy and BVA President Gryffroy. He also had a working session with the trade office of Vietnam in Belgium and the EU.

Source: VNA