Michael Coque, General Director of the Metz Organization Center, stressed that the decision to invite Vietnam to attend the event as an honorable guest comes from the close economic ties between the countries.

The event is an opportunity for Vietnam to present its typical culture and products to not only French people, but also to others from countries bordering France, he added.

Vietnamese women showcase "Ao Dai" (traditional long gown) at the opening ceremony of the Metz International Fair.

During the fair, Vietnamese artists introduce performances of Cheo (traditional opera) and water puppet.

Other activities to showcase Vietnamese culture include film screenings and a painting exhibition by famous Hanoi painters.

On the occasion, Viet Travel and Vietnam Airlines have coordinated with the Cultural Center of Vietnam in France to present about landscape and tours, as well as information about culture, land and people of Vietnam.

The International Fair of Metz is one of three largest annual fairs in France, bringing together thousands of companies and trademarks of Grand-Est, an administrative region in northeastern France resided by three million people.

Source: VNA