Chairman of the association Huu Thinh said the event marks three decades of cooperation between his association and the US-based William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences.

The collaboration has contributed significantly to cultural exchanges between the two countries, he added.

William Joiner Institute Director Thomas T. Kane said literature exchange through Vietnamese and US writers’ creativity has helped deepen mutual understanding and heal war wounds.

Chairman of the association Huu Thinh speaking at the event. (Photo: 

In the past 30 years, nearly 100 Vietnamese writers visited the US to attend conferences of William Joiner Institute, while US writers came to Vietnam for seminars and promoted Vietnamese literature to the world. The William Joiner Institute has so far published 14 Vietnamese poetry books.

Kane said his institute will continue translating and introducing Vietnamese literature works, hosting seminars on the subject, and organizing exchange visits between the two establishments.

The institute is considering the making of a documentary on Vietnam – US cultural cooperation, Kane added.

On the occasion, the Vietnam Alliance of Arts and Literature Associations presented insignia for the Vietnamese art and literature cause to Thomas T. Kane, poet Kevin Bowen, and writer Nguyen Ba Chung for their contribution to the Vietnamese art and literature.

Source: VNA