Chu Mo is where the climate is divided into two distinct seasons: rainy and dry. Due to this, local people can only cultivate rice during the rainy season. Every year, after the harvest, the Gia Rai people hold a ceremony to thank Giang (the God) for blessing them with a bountiful harvest, known as the New Rice Celebration Festival.

During the festival, the villagers bring their rice-harvesting tools to be offered in a ritual to ask for peace and prosperity in future harvests. The offerings also include alcohol and meat. The village elder then pours the alcohol over the tools, and the ceremonial gongs are played by a team led by the drum player, creating a solemn and sacred atmosphere. Once the elder finishes the rituals, the villagers start playing the gongs and perform the traditional Xoang dance around their houses, praying for future bountiful harvests.

Below are several photos of the New Rice Celebration Festival of the Gia Rai ethnic people.

Alcohol and meat prepared for the ceremony
Pouring water into the alcohol jars
The village elder pouring alcohol over rice bundles during the Giang worship ceremony
Villagers playing gongs and performing the Xoang dance during the festival
The full view of the New Rice Celebration Festival

Translated by Trung Thanh