September 06, 2014 | 21:53 (GMT+7)
Khmer ethnic group’s festival becomes national intangible heritage
PANO - The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has recognized the Ok om bok festival of the Khmer ethnic group in the southern province of Tra Vinh as a national intangible cultural heritage...
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PANO - The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has recognized the Ok om bok festival of the Khmer ethnic group in the southern province of Tra Vinh as a national intangible cultural heritage.
This festival, a moon worshipping ritual falls at the full moon in the 10th lunar month immediately after the rice harvest.
The Khmer people believe that the moon is the God who controls the weather and crops throughout the year.
Local people make offerings to show their gratitude to the God for giving them good weather and fruitful harvests.
During the festival, the organization panel also holds sports activities, like boat racing and folk games, for the participants.
Translated by Pham Huy