Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Duc, Director of the Department of Political Education and Information under the General Department of Political Affairs, attended and directed the opening ceremony.

Major General Doan Khue, then Political Commissar of Military Region 5, talks to troops of Battalion 8, Regiment 31 prior to Nong Son battle in June 1974. (A filed photo)

Addressing the event, Colonel Le Vu Huy, the museum’s director, emphasized the significance of the exhibition, saying that it aimed to honor and express gratitude to General Doan Khue’s great merits and contribution to the national salvation, national reunification, and Fatherland construction and defense cause. It also helped encourage troops and people, especially young ones, to strive to study, work, and devote their energy and intelligence to the cause of Fatherland construction and protection.

Exhibits on display

More than 200 photos, documents, and exhibits on display are divided into five parts. The first one highlights the general’s moments with other Party and State leaders, his imprints in the cause of national salvation, construction and defense. The second part is about his home town where his patriotism and momentum to participate in revolutionary movements were fostered. The third part looks into his revolutionary career and his contribution to the resistance wars against the French colonialists and the U.S. imperialists, and the building and protection of the Fatherland. The fourth one introduces his important contribution and outstanding marks as Chief of the General Staff (1987-1991), and Minister of National Defense (1991-1997). In these posts, General Doan Khue made a number of proposals and directions, contributing to excellent completion of the military-defense tasks and to the national construction and defense cause in the new period. In the last part, deep sentiments of General Doan Khue with his hometown, family, and comrades were featured. 

Delegates introduced with information about General Doan Khue

The exhibition is part of the activities in celebration of the 100th birthday anniversary of General Doan Khue (October 29, 1923 - 2023), former Politburo member, former Deputy Secretary of the Central Military Commission, and former Minister of National Defense and will last till the end of November.

Translated by Mai Huong