The show is part of an artistic program “Ruc ro Thang Long 2025” (Brilliant Thang Long 2025) to be jointly organized by the municipal Party Committee's Information and Education Board, the Department of Information and Communications, the Department of Culture and Sports, the People's Committee of Nam Tu Liem district, and Corex Business Solutions Joint Stock Company, organizers announced on January 20.

The drone light show will form part of an artistic program “Ruc ro Thang Long 2025” (Brilliant Thang Long 2025).

Themed "Brilliant Springs," the program will include four chapters, telling artistically rich stories about the springs which represent the historical moments of Hanoi and Vietnam.

The audience will enjoy special performances by popular artists that combine various performance genres that blend tradition and modernity, strongly reflecting the cultural essence of Thang Long – Hanoi.

The drone show will be followed by a high-altitude fireworks display precisely at midnight to welcome the Year of the Snake 2025.

Source: VNA