It is part of the Quang Binh – Khammoune friendship youth meeting, which aims to enhance the exchange of information and experience on the work of Youth Union, youth movement, entrepreneurship models between youngsters of the two localities.

At the event

Under the MoU, the two sides will intensify the dissemination on traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos for their residents. In addition, they will spread the thoughts of President Ho Chi Minh on the Vietnamese revolution and Kaysone Phomvihane on the Lao revolution, as well as the solidarity between the two countries, two Parties and peoples in general, and between those localities, in particular.

Also at the talks, the delegates from Quang Binh and Khammouane provinces agreed to collaborate in building a project in a border commune and hold various cultural and sports activities for students in each province.

Source: VNA