During the working session, the Vietnamese official highly valued the effective cooperation between the two countries’ audit agencies in recent times, expressing the desire to expand bilateral cooperation in the time to come. 

Deputy State Auditor General Dang The Vinh has a meeting with Malaysian Auditor-General Datuk Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi in Putrajaya, Malaysia on July 11.

Vinh thanked the Malaysian audit agency for its support to its Vietnamese counterpart in joining multilateral organizations such as the  International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), and the ASEAN Supreme Audit Institutions (ASEANSAI).

For her part, Suraya congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in socio-economic development, success in controling the COVID-19 pandemic, and efforts to re-open the economy after the pandemic.

She affirmed that the State Audit Office of Malaysia is willing to discuss with the State Audit of Vietnam (SAV) about areas where it has extensive experience such as training, information technology, and operation audit.

The SAV delegation engaged in discussions and shared experience in applying information technology in audit activities; and digitising data and connecting with national databases and/or central agencies.

Participants at the meeting

During the 2009 - 2019 period, SAV sent officials to participate in training courses on auditing operations and information technology within the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP) funded by the Malaysian government.

Within the multilateral framework, the two institutions have consistently supported and closely coordinated on the ASOSAI and ASEANSAI platforms. They jointly and successfully hosted the 14th ASOSAI Assembly in 2018. The Malaysian side also supported SAV in successfully hosting the virtual 15th ASOSAI Assembly in 2021.

The two are among the four founding members of ASEANSAI -  the forum that promotes good governance in the Southeast Asian region.

Source: VNA