Both sides informed each other about the situation of each Party and country, discussed international affairs and the implementation of high-level agreement, especially cooperation between the two commissions.

At the talks

They underlined the need to fulfill assigned tasks to further deepen the cooperative relationship between the two parties and countries.

The two sides will strengthen the exchange of information, evaluate the world and regional situation, and uphold their role in strategic counselling while monitoring the implementation of the high-level agreement and continuing to improve the effectiveness of cooperation between agencies of the two parties, mass organizations and social groups.

On the occasion, a ceremony was held to award Orders and Medals of the Vietnamese and Lao States to several collectives and officials of the two commissions in recognition of their outstanding achievements in consolidating great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

As scheduled, the two commissions and authorities of the central province of Thua Thien Hue will hold a friendship exchange.

They will hold fact-finding trips in the province, visit several families of Vietnamese voluntary experts who served in Laos, organize cultural and sports activities, and discuss issues of shared interest. They will also pay tribute to martyrs at the Road 9 National War Cemetery.

Source: VNA