Accordingly, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) should enhance regional solidarity and action to build a strong community in the face of challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, and biodiversity loss. Just and comprehensive transition must be a top priority in the process toward net-zero emissions, energy transition, and plastic waste management, creating momentum for a greener bloc.

In addition, it is necessary to promote cooperation with partners to mobilize support in terms of institution, technology, and finance to build a sustainable and resilient ASEAN community.

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Vo Tuan Nhan attends the 17th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Environment in Laos on August 23.

The head of Vietnam's organization of ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN Vietnam) stressed that recognizing the importance of community development and prosperity, Vietnam commits to collaborate with ASEAN and development partners to contribute to global collective efforts and actively participate in the community's common goals.

The 17th AMME is an important occasion for bloc member states to jointly propose solutions and key orientations for ASOEN's increasingly practical and effective activities, contributing to achieving sustainable environmental goals within the framework of the 2025 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint and Community Vision, and realizing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Source: VNA