The Vietnamese top legislator stressed that Singaporean PM Lee’s official visit holds special significance in the year when the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations (1973-2023).

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (right) shakes hands with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

He congratulated Singapore on its strong recovery and development after the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing that Singapore has always been a typical example of national governance, corporate governance and corruption combat; and a model of transparent, efficient and intelligent administration.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue spoke highly of the results of the talks between the Singaporean PM and his Vietnamese counterpart on the same day morning with the signing of seven cooperation documents, and the upgrade of the framework agreement on connecting the two economies.

He expressed his pleasure with the substantive development of the bilateral relations over the past half century in all fields, saying that the two countries have seen increasing close and trusted political relations through strengthening cooperation and exchange of delegations at all levels and channels, including the Party, N.A., Government, localities, and businesses of the two countries.

Vuong Dinh Hue emphasized that Vietnam and Singapore need to expand partnership in new areas such digital connectivity, digital society, circular economy, innovation, clean energy, which are global issues and of Singapore's strengths. The two sides should also further foster economic, trade and investment cooperation in a more effective manner. 

The two governments should consider to expand the model of Vietnam - Singapore industrial parks (VSIP) in the green - clean - smart direction towards developing an industrial - urban ecosystem, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue stressed.

For his part, Lee said Singapore is interested in developing renewable energy, and willing to support Vietnam as well as discuss potential cooperation projects in this field in order to enable Vietnam to export renewable energy to Singapore.

Carbon credit is an area where the two sides can cooperate, especially when the two countries set a goal of cutting emissions to net zero by 2050, he stated.

Emphasizing that VSIP is a symbol of successful cooperation between the two countries, the Singaporean guest expressed his hope that more VSIPs will be developed in Vietnam in the future.

Both leaders underlined the importance to further enhance cooperation in key areas such as defense, security, labor, education - training, culture, and people-to-people exchange, saying that the two sides should consider signing a memorandum of understanding on cooperation on culture exchange as soon as possible.

The two countries should proceed to open more direct flights from Singapore to Vietnam's tourist destinations, and expand connection in cruise ship tourism as these are open and effective cooperation fields, the leaders said, noting that these contribute to boosting economic development of both Vietnam and Singapore.

Briefing the guest on Vietnam’s new e-visa policy, Vuong Dinh Hue said the Vietnamese N.A. always supports and creates favorable conditions for the successful signing and implementation of cooperation agreements between the two countries.

He suggested the two sides soon complete negotiations and related procedures for the signing of important cooperation documents, including an agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters; an extradition agreement; an agreement on the transfer of sentenced persons; and a memorandum of understanding on rescue.

Vuong Dinh Hue proposed PM Lee support the legislative bodies of the two countries to  effectively implement their Cooperation Agreement signed in May 2022, serving as a legal basis to further promote substantive relations between the two legislatures; strengthen the exchange of delegations at all levels, enhance mutual understanding and trust, and share experience in parliamentary activities and issues of mutual concern.

Participants at the meeting

Vietnam wishes to share and learn experience in building a legal framework for important issues such as carbon market, green finance mobilization, and global minimum tax, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said.

During the meeting, the two leaders emphasised the importance of building a united and resilient ASEAN community, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment, settling disputes by peaceful measures, and fully implementing the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (South China Sea), and soon concluding negotiations on an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea in line with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982.

The Singaporean PM took the occasion to invite N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to pay an official visit to Singapore at an appropriate time.

Source: VNA