Sisoutlith offered his condolences to the Vietnamese Party, State, National Assembly, and Fatherland Front on the death of the former leader.

He spoke highly of Phieu’s contributions to Vietnam’s struggle for national independence, construction, defence and development, to Laos’ revolutionary cause, and to the two countries’ special friendship, solidarity, and comprehensive partnership.

The Lao leader said the former leader’s death is a great loss for the Vietnamese Party, State, and people, while the Party, State, and people of Laos have lost a comrade and a very close friend.

At the event

On behalf of the Vietnamese Government and people, Phuc thanked Lao leaders and people for their affection for the late leader, which demonstrates the special brotherhood between the two nations.

The two PMs took the occasion to exchange views on the socio-economic situation in both countries and to review the implementation of agreements reached and the outcomes of the 42nd meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Inter-governmental Committee. They also looked into major joint projects, including the construction of Laos’ new parliamentary building and friendship hospitals.

They discussed ways to further boost bilateral ties in the time to come and future strategies for the next five years and towards 2030.

Sisoulith expressed his gratitude for Vietnam’s support for the fight against COVID-19 in Laos.

Both leaders agreed to continue closely coordinating in combating the pandemic, particularly along border areas, and to develop plans to resume flights between the two countries and reopen border gates when the coronavirus is brought under control.

They agreed to accelerate information and experience exchanges for the successful organisation of their national Party Congresses in 2021 and will step up cooperation in the fields of politics, defence, security, economics, trade, investment, education, culture, and people-to-people exchanges.

Source: VNA