N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (left) and General Secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith

The top legislator expressed his delight and honour to visit Laos for the first time as Chairman of the Vietnamese N.A.

He also expressed his pleasure at witnessing the great achievements gained by Lao people in recent years under the sound leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, particularly in maintaining political stability, ensuring national security and defense and economic growth amid the context of the complicated international situations and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chairman Hue said he believed that Lao people will overcome all challenges, successfully implement the Resolution adopted at the 11th Party National Congress of Laos and its 9th five-year socio-economic development plan, and successfully take measures to open doors, recover the economy, stabilise the macroeconomy and finance, generate jobs, and continue to build Laos as a peaceful, independent, united and prosperous country.

Party General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith welcomed N.A. Chairman Hue, saying that this is the first official visit to Laos by a senior leader of Vietnam in the Laos - Vietnam Solidarity and Friendship Year 2022.

He stressed that this meaningful visit will contribute to strengthening the relations between the two countries and expressed his delight at the great achievements that Vietnamese people gained under the sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, particularly in COVID-19 prevention and control, open doors, socio-economic recovery, and international integration.

At the meeting

N.A. Chairman Hue and Party General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith spoke highly of the development of the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, with important contributions from the two legislative bodies.

They noted that in the future, the two sides need to promote traditional cooperation and trust to seriously implement high-level agreements together; strive to enhance and further improve the efficiency of bilateral cooperation in all fields, for the practical benefits of the two peoples; promote together and find solutions to effectively deal with obstacles of important cooperation projects, particularly infrastructure connection projects, and to coordinate to organise activities in 2022 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic ties between the two countries and 45 years of the signing of the Vietnam - Laos Amity and Cooperation Treaty.

Party General Secretary and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith said he wishes that the two legislative bodies will continue to coordinate in supervision to help effectively implement signed bilateral agreements; increase experience sharing, particularly in building and completing mechanisms and the legal system; closely cooperate and support each other at regional and international forums; and closely coordinate in regional and international issues, for peace, stability, cooperation, and development.

Source: VNA