During the fierce resistance war against the U.S. invaders in Vietnam, even before 1968 - when the KPL was set up, the VNA sent a number of reporters, editors and technical staff to perform duties in Laos.

Then VNA General Director Nguyen Duc Loi (front, second from right) and his KPL counterpart Sounthone Khanthavong sign a memorandum of understanding on cooperation on January 15, 2019.

They and their Lao colleagues braved hardships and heavy bombardment, even sacrificed their lives, to follow the Pathet Lao army to deliver timely news and photos about the latest developments on battlefields and report on the liberated areas and victories of the Lao army.

News, articles and photos made by VNA correspondents were sent to the Lao revolution’s central body in Sam Neua to serve the country’s resistance war. They were also provided for Radio Pathet Lao, the newspaper of the Lao Patriotic Front, and media outlets of Vietnam and other countries, helping win over support from the peoples in Vietnam and the world for the Lao people’s struggle.

During that time, VNA experts also assisted the Lao side to gear up personnel and equipment for the establishment of the KPL. All kept in mind President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching that Vietnamese cadres working in Laos must completely abide by the leadership of the Lao Central Government, especially Prime Minister Souphanouvong, while steering clear of arrogance.

Their efforts paid off when the VNA’s Department of World News cited Radio Pathet Lao’s first bulletin on the establishment of the KPL (Khaosan Pathet Lao) on January 5, 1968.

Since that historic landmark, the VNA and the KPL have always maintained strong relations. The former views providing technical assistance and sending professionals to help its Lao counteprart as a political task and also its noble responsibility and obligation.

After the KPL moved its headquarters to Vientiane in 1976, bilateral ties entered a new period – that of cooperation for common development.

The VNA has continued offering personnel and material support for the KPL, including holding training courses, upgrading the information system, designing a new content management system, equipping the KPL’s new headquarters with advanced facilities, building a modern and fully equipped studio for TV news programs, and donating computers and cameras to the Lao side.

With its wholehearted cooperation with and support for the KPL, the VNA was bestowed with the first-class Issara Order in 1995 and the second-class Issara Order in 2019 by the Lao Party and State.

On March 29 this year, VNA General Director Vu Viet Trang and her KPL counterpart Khampheuy Philapha signed a cooperation agreement for 2022 - 2025 during their virtual talks.

Trang noted the agencies’ cooperation and information sharing have helped popularize the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, State and peoples.

Source: VNA