According to Vice Chairman of the Binh Dinh provincial People's Committee Lam Hai Giang, delegates were provided with information about destinations, tourism products and services and tourism resources, helping them understand more about the history, culture, nature and people of Binh Dinh, thus expanding cooperation between Binh Dinh and southern provinces of Laos to develop appropriate tourism products in the future.

Delegates participating in the meeting

Binh Dinh will continue to focus on effectively implement cooperation programs among sides, and work closely with the Lao localities to contribute to further strengthening the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, Giang said.

Jointly organized by the Department of Tourism of Binh Dinh and tourism management agencies of the southern Lao provinces, the event aims to concretize a cooperation agreement for the  2021 - 2025 period signed on March 30, 2023  between the Binh Dinh provincial People's Committee and the authorities of the Lao localities.

Previously, a delegation of the Lao localities including representatives from tourism associations and travel agencies, and owners of hotels and tourist sites, made a trip to famous tourist destinations in Binh Dinh, which serves developing tours and tourism products in the future.

Source: VNA