This is the 15th monument completed under a project to build and upgrade 17 Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Monuments across Cambodia. It is built in a nearly 5,000 sq.m campus.

The monument in Serey Sophorn city

The inaugural ceremony drew Standing Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the National Council of the Solidarity Front for the Development of Cambodian Motherland and Secretary of State at the Cambodian Ministry of Cults and Religions Nhem Valy; Vietnamese Consul General in Battambang province Le Tuan Khanh; Vietnamese Military Attaché to Cambodia Colonel Nguyen Thanh Chinh; leaders of local authorities and armed forces, students and locals in the province.

Addressing the event, Nhem Valy recalled the struggle of the army and people of Cambodia, with the support of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers, to overthrow the Pol Pot genocidal regime and revive Cambodia.

He underscored that Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Monuments built in many localities of Cambodia aim to remember the services of heroic martyrs of Vietnam and Cambodia who laid down their lives for Cambodia’s liberation.

He expressed his deep gratitude towards the Party, State and people of Vietnam for sending eminent soldiers to help Cambodia escape the Pol Pot genocidal regime.

“Cambodian people always remember that without the January 1, 1979 victory, we would not have today,” said Nhem Valy.

For his part, Colonel Nguyen Thanh Chinh stressed that the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Monuments across Cambodia and in Banteay Meanchey in particular will help younger generations to understand the value of peace and freedom as well as the solidarity and mutual support between the two nations of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Source: VNA