President of the ASEAN - Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia network Yose Rizal Damuri speaks at the event.

Speaking at the 37th Asia-Pacific Roundtable (APR), Damuri laid a stress on the important role of the Asia-Pacific, particularly through the ASEAN framework, in handling global challenges.

He held that amidst escalating geo-political and economic challenges, ASEAN needs to put in to place more urgent measures, suggesting the bloc maintain its central role and safeguard the region’s stability, peace, prosperity and resilience.

Regarding the role of the Asia-Pacific region, Damuri said the region has the potential to lead in shaping up a new world order, support multilateralism, seek measure to tackle conflicts peacefully and promote implementation of sustainable development goals for benefits for all people.

The targets could be concretized through ASEAN, he underlined.

The East Asia Summit which gathers leaders from East Asia and Pacific nations could be a starting point to seek measures for economic challenges while the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) could promote a comprehensive concept on economic security and resilience, he said.

The 37th APR is organized by the ISIS on June 4-6 under the theme of “Crisis in an Interregnum.” The annual event draws the participation of more than 300 scholars.

Source: VNA