PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc speaks at the discussion. Photo: HNMO

He said people’s living standards improved, the domestic currency value was stable, and national reputation on the global stage increased. 

However, the Government leader pointed to shortcomings detailed in the Government’s report, saying more attention should be paid to social issues alongside economic matters.

According to the PM, Vietnam ought to look for better growth driving forces and higher value added and develop science and technology amid deeper integration. He underscored the importance of tackling overlapped institutions and building a constructive government.

Considering the private sector as a key driving force, he urged localities to make efforts in developing different types of enterprises, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), and connecting the FDI and private sectors.

About State budget management, he said over-borrowing for development will result in numerous risks, including rising public debt.

PM Phuc said loans have been used more effectively over the past time, and recommended the fight against corruption and vetted interest must take place at all levels and sectors in a serious manner.

The Government leader noted dialogue is an important channel to help people know their concerns and suggestions are acknowledged and heard, adding that if authorities could mobilise the grassroots in monitoring and accelerating good deeds campaigns, things would be done economically.

He affirmed that the Government will listen to and collect feedbacks from the people in order to boost its working quality in 2019.

Source: VNA