At the working session of the N.A. Standing Committee (Photo: quochoi.vn)

Statistics by ministries, agencies and localities showed that some 53.88 trillion VND (2.29 billion USD) of state capital and funding was saved last year, according to the report.

As of the end of 2022, Vietnam’s public debt was estimated at 3.6 quadrillion VND, equivalent to 38% of the national gross domestic product (GDP), down from the 43.1% recorded in the previous year.

Last year, 8.62 trillion VND was earmarked from the state budget to carry out the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction for the 2021-2025 period, the report said.

The committee pointed out that wastefulness is still seen at different levels, particularly in budget management, public investment, public procurement, as well as land and public asset management.

N.A. Vice Chairman Trang Quang Phuong suggested evaluating wastefulness in the implementation of the socio-economic recovery and development program, and the three national target programs, covering new-style rural area building, socio-economic development in ethnic group-inhabited areas, and sustainable poverty reduction.

The report should highlight both achievements and shortcomings, and propose solutions for next year, he added.

Deputy Auditor General of Vietnam Doan Anh Tho noted that audit reports are needed to ensure the objective assessment of thrift practice and wastefulness prevention, and suggested the Government further clarify budget decentralization.

In his closing remarks, N.A. Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man stressed the need for the report to raise solutions in order to step up thrift practice and wastefulness prevention, and handle the sluggishness in budget allocation, and public investment disbursement, among other issues.

Source: VNA