Voters voice their opinions to Gen. Lich

At the meeting, Gen. Lich and other Ha Nam province’s National Assembly deputies informed the voters of the main outcomes of the third session of the 14th National Assembly and took notes of their opinions, proposals and suggestions.

Gen. Lich expressed his pleasure at the development of Ha Nam province in general and Binh Luc district in particular and showed his serious concern over social welfare issues, implementation of gratitude activities to national contributors, care for troops’ families and enhancement of the building of new-style rural areas, contributing to fostering people’s trust in the Party and the State.

He thanked voters for and recognized constructive opinions and suggestions, especially those on gratitude policies to national contributors. He confirmed that policies for national contributors and troops’ families demonstrate deep concern of the Party, State and army. The Party, people and army always remember great contributions of wounded and fallen soldiers, national contributors and their families to the nation.

Despite economic difficulties and devastating war consequences, Gen. Lich said, the Party, State, people and whole society have paid due attention to the gratitude work, brightening the nation’s tradition “When drinking water, remember its source.”

Gen. Lich hoped that sick and wounded soldiers, war veterans, national contributors’ family members set bright examples in local movements, in implementation of the Party’s and State’s policies and guidelines. He urged them to bring into play the tradition of the nation and their families and to wholeheartedly support local Party committees and authorities.

He also asked local leaderships at all levels to improve living and working conditions for all voters, local people, especially policy beneficiaries and national contributors while providing practical and effective assistance for them, taking good care of troops’ families, actively participating in the building of strong local armed forces, and fulfilling all assigned missions.

Gen. Lich inquires after sick and wounded soldiers at Ha Nam provincial center for them and other national contributors.
Earlier in the day, Gen. Lich offered incense and planted a tree at the Cat Tuong memorial site in An My commune, Binh Luc district - the place, where President Ho Chi Minh visited the Cat Tuong dam construction work and inquired after and encouraged workers at the construction site and people of Binh Luc district on January 14, 1958.

The same day, the Defense Minister presented a gratitude house funded by the Ministry of National Defense to the family of wounded soldier Phung Van Vien in Vien Lai village, Boi Cau commune, Binh Luc district and gifted 30 typical national contributors’ families of the district.

During his visit to the Ha Nam provincial center for seriously wounded soldiers and national contributors, Gen. Lich inquired after the patients, their families and learned more about the care for seriously sick and wounded soldiers. He hoped that the center’s staff will continue well accomplishing their tasks in the future.

On this occasion, he handed over the Ministry of National Defense’s gifts, worth over VND 1 billion in total, to the center and sick and wounded soldiers. He also took note of their complaints and assigned relevant agencies to studying and proposing suitable solutions.

Translated by Mai Huong