PANO - Following the courtesy visit to Ho Chi Minh City, the Indonesian Navy’s Frigate KRI Bung Tomo-357 coordinated with Ship 17 of Brigade 171 of Naval Region 2 to conduct a joint training exercise at sea.

In the training areas, the two ships practiced formation maneuvers, communication (lamp signals, flag signals, handling unexpected meetings at sea) practices, at-sea replenishment, search and rescue operations, dealing with incidents at sea, and protection of ship’s vitality.

In line with the training plan and with the determination to achieve the highest results, Ship 17 and Frigate KRI Bung Tomo-357 closely coordinated and sequentially completed all steps as regulated. Officers and sailors of Ship 17 strictly adhered to regulations, ensured absolute safety of personnel, weapons and equipment, and successfully completed all assigned tasks and reached set targets. During the training exercise, Ship 17 and Frigate KRI Bung Tomo-357 swapped two officers from each ship to strengthen communication and coordination, contributing to enhancing friendship between the navies of the two countries.

Translated by Duong Tuoi