At the meetings, Xuan affirmed that her visit demonstrates the wish of Vietnamese leaders and people to further enhance the traditional friendship between the two countries in all spheres.

She thanked Bulgaria for its support to Vietnam in the process of negotiations and signing of the E.U.-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and suggested the two countries optimize opportunities presented by the deal to foster the bilateral trade ties as well as cooperation between ministries and agencies.

Vice President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (L) and Bulgaria’s Vice President Iliana Iotova

The Vietnamese Vice President called on Bulgaria to create optimal conditions for a number of Vietnamese goods to increase their presence in the market, and then penetrate the E.U. market.

She also asked Bulgarian high-ranking officials to work to urge the two legislatures to soon ratify the E.U.-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and stated that Vietnam always creates favorable conditions for Bulgarian firms to invest and run business in the Southeast Asian country.

The Vice President used the occasion to appeal to Bulgaria to grant more scholarships to Vietnamese students, increase cultural and art exchanges, strengthen tourism collaboration, share experience in the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, and consider receiving more Vietnamese guest workers.

She thanked the Bulgarian State and people for their assistance to the Vietnamese community in the country amid COVID-19 over the past time.

The Bulgarian leaders appreciated Xuan’s choice of Bulgaria as the first foreign country to visit in her capacity as Vice President of Vietnam.

President Rumen Radev expressed his admiration for the socio-economic achievements Vietnam has recorded, and spoke highly of the progress in the bilateral relations.

Bulgaria stands ready to serve as a gateway for Vietnam to forge its relations with the European Union, they pledged.

Vice President Iliana Iotova said Vietnam and Bulgaria have substantial cooperation potential, and suggested the two sides beef up collaboration in traditional fields.

Before arriving in Bulgaria, Vice President Xuan visited Frankfurt, Germany, on October 25, where she received President of the Hessen State Parliament Boris Rhein.

During the reception, she thanked the authorities and people of Hessen State for their timely donations of COVID-19 vaccines and medical supplies to Vietnam.

Source: VNA