N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue receives Bulgarian Ambassador Marinela Petkova.

At a meeting with Bulgarian Ambassador Marinela Petkova, Hue reiterated Vietnam’s foreign policy of attaching importance to, consolidating and promoting friendship, multi-faceted and long-term cooperation with traditional friends, including Bulgaria.

The Vietnamese N.A. will work to continuously enhance the relations between the two countries, their legislatures and peoples, he pledged.

Highlighting cooperation outcomes between the two countries, the Vietnamese top legislator said two-way trade revenue in 2021 doubled that recorded in the previous year.

The legislative ties have also been maintained over the past years, he said, adding that the two sides have supported each other at regional and international parliamentary forums.

In reply, Ambassador Petkova emphasized that Bulgaria is one of the first countries to establish diplomatic ties with Vietnam, and the traditional friendship is thriving.

She suggested the two countries foster cooperation after two years of COVID-19, saying Vietnam is Bulgaria’s partner in Southeast Asia and Asia at large.

As a member of the European Union (E.U.), Bulgaria wishes to expand collaboration with Vietnam – a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), she said.

The diplomat agreed with Hue’s view that the two countries should beef up their cooperation and friendship via Party, State, Government and N.A. channels, as well as people-to-people exchange.

She promised to make more contributions to strengthening the bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, investment, education, training and tourism, making it on par with the time-honored friendship.

Hue said he hopes that the ambassador will continue to coordinate closely with Vietnamese agencies to take measures helping to deepen and advance the relationship, for the sake of the two peoples.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and Hungarian Ambassador Ory Csaba

Receiving Hungarian Ambassador Ory Csaba, Hue commended the diplomat’s active contribution to the Vietnam-Hungary relations over the past years.

He said Vietnam always treasures and hopes to forge its multi-faceted cooperation with Hungary – Vietnam’s first comprehensive partner in Central and Eastern Europe.

He lauded the positive progress in the bilateral relationship, with high-level meetings and visits by leaders of the two countries. Notably, during the visit to Hungary by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in 2018, the two sides upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive partnership, which demonstrates the leaders’ resolve to deepen the ties.

Csaba, for his part, said the cooperation agreement reached by the two legislatures has contributed to deepening the legislative relations, adding that thematic seminars held within the framework of the agreement have proven effective.

In this regard, Hue said such thematic seminars have offered opportunities for parliamentarians of the two countries to exchange experience in lawmaking, and the agreement should be further rolled out.

The two sides compared notes on legislative cooperation in culture, health care and education, among others.

Hue urged the ambassador to continue its close coordination with Vietnamese ministries and agencies to deepen the comprehensive partnership.

Source: VNA