Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party’s Committee Nguyen Van Nen (R) receives Consul General of the Republic of France in Ho Chi Minh City Emmanuelle Pavillon-Grosser. (Photo: hcmcpv.org.vn)

At the reception, the city’s leader highly appreciated the Vietnam – France cooperative relationship and France’s support to Vietnam in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular in the pandemic prevention and control.

Over the past time, Ho Chi Minh City has launched various cooperation programs with France’s Lyon city. At present, there are more than 300 projects of French investors.

The city’s leader believed that the relationship between Vietnam, including Ho Chi Minh City, and France will be further strengthened in the coming time. 

For her part, Ms Emmanuelle Pavillon-Grosser expressed her delight at the fruitful development of France - Vietnam cooperative relationship over the past time. She expressed her strong belief that the bilateral relations will be consolidated and further develop in the future.

Consul General Emmanuelle Pavillon-Grosser said that France’s businesses in Ho Chi Minh City expected to make more contribution to the development of the city and were interested in urban development and waste treatment projects in the city.  She affirmed that she was willing to serve as a “bridge” to promote cooperation between France and Ho Chi Minh City in the coming time.

Translated by Chung Anh