Speaking at a working session with Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang as part of his Vietnam trip, Liu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, highly valued Da Nang’s development potential and opportunities, and noted his hope that the two sides will step up cooperation in seaport services and open maritime tours linking localities of Guangxi and Da Nang.

At the working session

For his part, Quang briefed his guest on the city’s socio-economic development over the past time, and agreed with Liu’s proposals, saying the distance between Da Nang and seaports in Guangxi is favorable to their trade connections.

According to the official, Da Nang has established friendship and cooperation with a number of Chinese localities. In 2017, the Chinese Consulate General was opened in the city, serving as a bridge between Da Nang and Chinese localities and partners.

Between 2016 and 2019, China remained one of the biggest sources of tourists to Da Nang. Last year, the city welcomed more than 15,000 Chinese visitors, and the number stood at nearly 4,900 in January this year.

Source: VNA