Addressing the January 17 event, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Van Son spotlighted advantages and strengths of Ha Giang, saying that the locality has focused resources on developing infrastructure and promoting economic development resources.

Participants at the seminar

Meanwhile, representatives of Israeli businesses in Vietnam gave an overview of people and culture of their country, as well as advanced technological solutions in agriculture and a number of technology applications that are being deployed in localities in Vietnam.

Representatives of the two sides’ enterprises also discussed and proposed ideas to open up cooperation opportunities in a number of areas such as organic waste treatment model, leaf irrigation and fertilization, solutions to harvest fruit in mountainous terrain areas and help plants improve their resistance to cold weather and frost.

Israeli Ambassador Nadav Eshcar highlighted the potential to promote cooperation between Ha Giang and Israel, saying that the seminar offers a good chance for the two sides to seek cooperation opportunities.

He expressed his hope that advanced technological solutions of Israel will be appropriate and feasible to Vietnam, contributing to promoting sustainable agriculture development in Ha Giang.

For his part, Son pledged to create all favorable conditions for Israeli partners.

Source: VNA