At the talks

During his talks with Vice President of the Lao National Assembly and President of the Laos-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians Group Sounthon Xayachak in Hanoi, Man congratulated the Lao Party, State and people on their great, comprehensive achievements.

Briefing the guest on Vietnam’s situation, he emphasized that Vietnam is always aware of Laos’s valuable contribution to and support in each of its achievements.

Reviewing the bilateral cooperation last year and the first half of 2022, the legislator said the two sides have maintained high-ranking delegation exchanges and meetings, as well as the implementation of high-level agreements and cooperation plans through all channels.

Man highlighted the official visit to Laos by N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue last May, the agreement on the annual meeting between the two Politburos and the 44th meeting of the Vietnam-Laos Inter-governmental Committee last January which reaped significant outcomes.

He suggested the two N.A.s prioritize accelerating the implementation of the agreement reached by the Politburos this year, and another between the legislatures, covering the exchange of delegations and the sharing of experience in law and policy making.

Permanent Vice Chairman of the Vietnamese N.A. Tran Thanh Man (right) speaks at the event.

The two legislative bodies should maintain their close coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums, he added.

For her part, Sounthon congratulated the Vietnamese Party, State and people on achievements they have recorded over the past time, which, she said, have seen the significant contributions of the Vietnamese N.A.

The official expressed her impression on national construction and development in Vietnam, particularly the realization of the resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, the five-year socio-economic development plan and the “dual” goals of COVID-19 containment and socio-economic development.

Congratulating Vietnam on the success of the third session of the 15th N.A., Sounthon considered important decisions and policies adopted at the meeting valuable lessons for the Lao side.

The Lao legislator said she believed that the bilateral legislative ties will grow further, both intensively and extensively, despite the complicated developments in the regional and international situation.

Sounthon pledged to work harder to preserve and promote the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

She used this occasion to thank the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their gift – the Lao N.A. building, which is a symbol of the Vietnam-Laos great friendship and special solidarity.

Vice President of the Lao National Assembly Sounthon Xayachak (right) at the event

The Vice President suggested the two sides exchange more delegations this year and continue with cooperation activities, especially the organization of workshops where they can share professional experience.

The two sides should also further their effective coordination at regional and international parliamentary forums, she said.

The Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian legislatures agreed to elevate the meeting of their N.A. Committees for External Relations to the N.A. Chairman level, she said, urging Vietnam to share its experience in organizing the event as Laos will play the host next year.

Both sides firmly believed that with joint efforts, the legislative ties will be deepened, helping to consolidate and enhance the Vietnam-Laos great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation.

After the talks, the Lao delegation had a working session with the N.A. Standing Committee’s Board for Deputy Affairs.

Source: VNA