(ADMM-2010) - The Vietnam Defense White Paper 2009 was released on 8 December 2009 at a press conference on the occasion of celebrating 65th anniversary of the foundation of the Vietnam People’s Army and 20th anniversary of National Defense Day (December 22nd).

The announcement of the publication was done in Hanoi by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This third Defense White Paper is the official document of the Vietnamese Government to provide essential information about key issues of the Vietnamese defense to enhance understanding and consolidate confidence between Vietnam and international communities.

At the press conference, Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, Vice Minister of Defense, said that the Vietnam Defense White Paper 2009, consisting of three main parts and 11 appendixes, expresses the Vietnamese Communist Party’s opinions and guidelines on defense, characteristics of the military arts and defense policies of Vietnam.

The White Paper clearly pointed out the main issues in the international, regional, and national security situations, as well as the challenges to the Vietnamese defense. It also stresses on the peaceful and cooperative orientation in international relations.

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh said that the White Paper 2009 released a lot of new information was fully and systematically provided, such as Vietnam’s defense budget of about VND 27,000 billions  (about US$ 1.4 billion), making up 1.8% of national budget; total troops number of 450,000; and organizational structure of the Ministry of Defense, etc.

According to Vice Minister, big changes in Vietnam’s defense in the past five years that have been mentioned in the White Paper such as the implementation of the one-commander and commissar mechanism; the amendment of Military Officer Law 2008; and the implementation of 18-month national service etc. shows the openness and clarity of Vietnamese defense.

For the first time, the policy on defense cooperation in many fields has been clearly publicized in the white paper, showing the willingness of the Vietnamese Communist Party, Government and Vietnam People’s Army to proactively take part in military cooperation activities, as well as local and international security issues.

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh stressed that Vietnam persists to maintain and develop a sufficient defense, a defense policy of peace, self-defense with the focus on building an entire-people defense. Vietnam enhances international cooperation on defense and security, seeking long-term solutions for territory disputes and other disputes by peaceful measures, contributing to building a peaceful, stable and prosperous South East Asia.

The publication of Vietnam Defense White Paper 2009 shows Vietnam’s desire and determination to strengthen mutual understanding among nations to establish friendship, cooperation and equality with all countries on the basis of mutual respect, peace, national independence, democracy and social development.

Source: ADMM